Horseback Riding Tips

1. ALWAY tighten your girth before mounting your horse. If you forget your saddle will slide to the other side of the horse and you will go with it

2. ALWAYS keep a distance from your horses back legs. If you are in the stricking zone you might get kicked and it could result in serious injury.

3. NEVER leave your horse un-atended to .If you do there could be a serious misshapp and your horse and the other horse could be injuerd very badly.

4.ALWAYS keep your hands on the reins. If you let go you will lose control off your horse and it could result in serious injury to you, your horse and any other horses and riders in the arena.

5. If your horse is a little wako, I sugjest you go in a different arena from the other horses and riders so you can focus on you and your horse only.

6. Never ride close to another horse. If the horse doesnt like it, it could kick out and your horse could be injured very badly.

7.NEVER pick at the frog of your horses hoof. It will hurt your horse vrey badly.

8.ALWAYS mount on the leaft side of your horse.

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