Do you love horses? If so,you can get all the best rideing tips and Horse Do's and Donts. Me and my friend Jo -jo are the manufacturers of this website. While you are here you can find out all the collest horse stuff and when shows are. There are also stable recomendations. If you have any questions about a horse or something about the website, really if it has to do with horses ,you can contact me Please do not use your name in these E-mails. Use something different like if your really concernd, use the name Concern.

          At the top of the page you see the  different kinds of links you can go to.There is Horseback Rideing Tips, Horse Do"s and Donts, Stable recomendations and horse show scedulles(mostly West 20 shows) and all pictures of all diferent kinds of tack.You can check the status of evrything by clicknig on the link.

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